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Foresting: Blockchain-based new generation social media

Social networks, mobile applications, various gadgets - that's what densely enters into the life of modern man.  This is something without which we do not represent our daily life.  The FORESTING project offers us to receive financial profit, monetize what we are so used to doing every day.
FORESTING Platform is a social network based on a block chain.  Developers have created a concept that differs from the known social networks.  The system allows creators of content from around the world to receive rewards.  Using the project token, your content can turn into currency.  In fact, users are the true owners of this system.  This is a new mobile service.

The product is really capable of changing the world, creating a more secure financial future for mankind.
Long-term vision of the project and an excellent team of professionals make the project attractive for investment.  The team works with technological documentation, discusses and analyzes the deployment technologies in the main network of the unit.  Developers implement innovations and take an active part in conferences.  The expansion of the partner base continues, including such as Google, Bibox, Sony.  This shows the reputation of the project.
The forestry network is available for all without prior knowledge and skills about the crypto currency or the chain.  The platform interface is simple and convenient for the user.  A system platform has been created that helps participants to realize their self-realization and to achieve the significance of their content.  The mission of Foresting is to provide reward for creating content and distributing income among all participants.

The new media platform belongs to the highest class of UX / UI projects and supports most of the content, in addition to images, music and video.
Features of the system include:
intuitive and easy to use interface;
Compatibility with all computer and mobile devices;
a wide range of different sections for every taste;
support for a large amount of content;
additional security and privacy.
In addition, users will be able to:
Advanced exchange with a trading function in real time;
P2P transactions;
creation of content.  Authors are rewarded in a crypt currency, and not just for similar ones;
open advertising market;
The motto of the project: "Work four hours a day and manage your life the rest of the time!"
Key components of the project:
Public media - to unite all the inhabitants of the world by interests;
Laboratory - to present the most daring ideas;
Bank - create a unique payment system;
You do not need to be an expert or expert in the field of locking to become a user of the system - it's enough to simply register, as it would have been done in any other social network.
To support the project and use FORESTING in the network, a token is issued - PTON.  At the heart of this is the Efirium crypto currency and compatibility with ERC-20.  The project's crypto currency is protected from the point of view of digital security, which makes it a convenient means of payment in the system.
Team of the project founders:
David Kim is the founder.  Specializes in mergers, developers of business architectures;
Daniel Eom (Daniel Eom) - CEO, co-founder.
Jimmy Kim (Jimmy Kim) - co-founder, CEO of Radar;
TJ Park is a co-founder;
David Lee (David Lee) - Chief Specialist for Strategic Development.
The platform is also designed to provide an intuitive user experience, rather than for a service that requires them to know complex concepts and concepts, such as "blockchain technology" and "crypto currency".  FORESTING offers a new ecosystem that combines the lifestyle and income of people in one mobile application.  People can conveniently write comments and send messages. 
ETH 0xd410a9AA491d7FcA7d2cD79bD1d2e5F3e6E8b80C
Telegram @miw1991 


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